Good neighbours are a lot like electricity and water; we never really know how much we need them until we don’t have them. They make our lives more interesting and they make us better people, both as individuals and as members of the community.
In today’s world, however, very few people actually make friends with their neighbours. Before you shut out the next-door people, know that being a good neighbour has its own rewards.
Here are a few easy ways to build better relationships with the people in your community.
Strike up a Conversation
Whether it’s over the fence or on the pavement, small talk with the neighbours can do a lot to improve your relationship with them. Ask how their kids are, whether they need a hand with a home improvement project, or if they need to borrow sugar or some other items.
It not only shows you’re friendly, it also shows you see them as more than just new faces in your community.
Welcome the New Family down the Block
A simple greeting or even a tray of fresh-baked brownies or cookies can do a lot to make new neighbours feel welcome in the community. Moving into a new locale, they may be feeling lonely and anxious, especially if they’re far from their original home. They can really appreciate a friendly smile and a batch of fresh-baked goodies.
Invite them over for a couple of beers when they get settled, give them your phone number, and tell them where your house is as you say goodbye.
Invite them to Your Next Party
Or throw one in their honour. What better way to welcome them to the neighbourhood than by inviting them to a gathering where they can meet everybody living on the block? It can also be a good chance to get to know the neighbours you’re not too familiar or close with.
Making good with your neighbours can only lead to good things. Visit Modeina Estate or give us a call to see how we can make living better for you and your family.